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How do I get my books?

Instructions (where and how to get your books)

0) Order your books. (
*In the second semester you don’t have to go to the ICT-room, then you can go immediately to step 6.

1) Go to Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Gent on the day and moment specifically scheduled for your class.

2) Go to the hall and make your way to the stairs to go to the first floor. (IN THE SECOND WEEK YOU CAN GO IMMEDIATELY TO STEP 6)

3) On the first floor, take the first corridor to the left ( the direction of the sign “Pc knooppunt 2”).

4) Enter the first room on your left (with the sign “Oefenlokaal”). At this room your registration will get confirmed by someone of the Praesidium and you will get your Citylife card.

5)After your registration is confirmed, go back to the hall on the storey.

6) Then go to the basement. (You find the stairs on the right from the stairs you went up.)

7) Go straight till you are on the end of the basement.

8) First, you will need to get your Citylife card.

9) Then you can get your books. You can pay cash or debit, NO VISA!

10) You’re finished.